Work is no longer a place you go to

According to the results of the recent ISG Provider Lens 2019 , the mobile workplace of the future will change radically in the coming years in terms of collaboration and automation. One of the drivers of this change is true cross-departmental and cross-enterprise collaboration. A fundamental change is also now taking place at the technological level too. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a key technology that offers considerable potential for shaping and improving the daily digital life together with technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI).

ISG Digital Worlpace of the future 2019

The “leaders” among the vendors have a highly attractive product and service offering and a very strong market and competitive position, demonstrating strength in innovation and stability.

Intelligent communication solutions are the key to long-term competitiveness for companies. Nevertheless, the success of a company depends not only on the modern equipment at the workplace but also on another important factor: the acceptance and active use of these technologies by employees.

Find out in our magazine what you should consider when introducing a UCC solution and how you can involve your employees in this change process.

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